Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank You So Much for Your Support!

        Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who has donated to Vida y Esperanza! Take a look at all of the wonderful equipment that we collected in just four short weeks.... and this is only one suitcase worth! We should have another suitcase on the way with 3 more bridles and another halter!

        Unfortunately when the equipment arrives on May 1st I will be on my way back to the US, however our new volunteer Thacher and director of Bolivia Cultura, Lee will be here to hopefully take ample photos and report on how the new equipment is received by Jose Luis and the boys!

Now that Pitu has shoes, he is not longer lame! Now
if we could just get some weight on him...

       With the money that was so generously donated I was able to arrange for the farrier to come last week. All of the horses got their feet trimmed and two horses were shod... and get this, all for $35! I was also able to track down some salt blocks in the Cancha (although it was not easy!) and purchase wormer for all 11 of the horses. Upon scouring the internet, I found a super cheap website (Chick's Discount Saddlery in case your curious!) and was also able to order the following to be sent down with the group of students coming from Virginia: two pony bridles, a pair of metal jump cups, three curry comb/hard brush combination mits, and four crops. Also, last but not least, over the weekend Jose Luis took it upon himself to take the bridle project even further and made three lounge lines! 
Jose Luis lounging Chino on Ceniza.

        Although I am very sad to be leaving Bolivia and the project, I am eternally grateful for having gotten the chance to work here and hope to return someday in the not-to-distant future! As much as possible I also plan to continue to collect donations and raise funds for the project from the US and help Vida y Espernza in any way I can. I hope to maintain the blog in order to continue to raise awareness of this great program, and also grant access to future Vida y Esperanza volunteers so that they may do the same. Once again, thank you so much for all of the generous donations, you can rest assured that they have made a difference in a child's life!

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