Since we last posted a couple of weeks ago the temperature has taken a dive in Cochabamba to lows of 2C at night. This has slowed the sprouting process and sent Lee, Abby and Erin to the drawing board for ideas on how to insulate and raise temps in the blue room. We have seen some amazing things done with plastic bottles that could help. We are also facing attacks from birds and small rodents as they too look for food as we move into the dry, cold season.
We are not discouraged but just set back a bit and still needing some financial donations(approx. $500 in total) to finish up the room (more plastic to insulate, finish shelves and buy 40 more growing trays) and buy the pump we need to improve the seed watering set up.
If you can please click the Pay Pal icon and give.
To those of you who have already given thanks sooooo much.
We had another competition this past Sunday which went really well. Both horses and youth left with big smiles on their faces. Well okay maybe not the horses exactly, but the kids definitely.. Check out Rodrigo!