Saturday, September 21, 2013


In order to share with you the boys in Jose Luis' program Vida y Esperanza have written biographies of their favorite horse. They did this to let you know about each horse.

So ta ta! We present Valkiria!


Valkiria (Valkyrie) is 6 years old and has a brown coat.  He is from Santa Cruz and is one of the taller horses.  He doesn’t behave very well and is very crazy when someone rides him.  Valkiria has a lot of energy and is never calm.  He likes to trot and gallop and jumps beautifully.  He is a very strong horse and is able to jump very high obstacles.  He eats a lot and prefers to eat a very balanced diet.  Valkiria gets along with all of the horses very well.

Valkiria tiene 6 años y es un caballo con un pelaje café.  Él es de Santa Cruz.  Él es uno de los caballos más altos.  Él es mal comportado a veces y es muy loco cuando alguien le monta a él Valkiria tiene mucha energía y nunca es tranquilo.   A él le gusta a trotar y galopar mucho, y él salta muy bonito.  Él tiene mucha fuerza y por esa razón, puede saltar alturas muy altas!  Él come mucho y prefiere una dieta balanceada.  Valkiria se porta muy bien con todos los caballos.

As it is dry season here in Bolivia we are short of food for the horses if anyone cares to make a donation for the purchasing of food please use the DONATE button to the right. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Early this month we received some great donations from Karin Caves. She heard about the program from a student and quickly offered to donate some equipment. We managed to get some of it down here and are now waiting for another visitor to be able to bring us the saddles and boots she has. In the meantime we are happy to have the following: 

1 pair of stirrups with leathers
1 pair of spurs
1 used bridle
3 pairs of reins
2 halters
A set of galloping boots
4 used bits
3 sets of reins
1 pair of riding gloves


Jose Luis and the boys send Karin a big thank you!

Monday, September 2, 2013


In July we were lucky to have Miro and Misha come to volunteer for the month through Volunteer Bolivia. The father and daughter team were a great addition to the program as they both ride in their hometown of Colorado Springs. Misha is 12 and an avid reader. She has a sister named Coco and lives with her father, Miro and her mom, Emily. Miro is a professor at Colorado College and spends much of his time studying tree lines high in the Colorado mountains. They both love nature and horses!!!

They brought with them a donation of equipment from the stable where they board their horse including some desperately needed galloping boots, saddle blankets, bits and brushes. The family also donated $274 to build and paint these jumps that the kids use for practice. They and the kids worked hard painting the jumps!

Wow!! They jump that high?
Even the pink paint worked out.

We would like to thank them for their donations and for the time they spent with us in Blajot hanging with the kids! 

They are missed but we are hoping to see the whole family in summer 2014!